this is a blog by Jeff Perrin, a software developer based in calgary alberta

NewsGator Online is a Sexier Bloglines

I'm a dude that definitely prefers function over form, which is why none of the slick new online aggregators have rocked my world like Bloglines does. I like being able to loosely categorize my feeds, and then read each category in a free flowing River of News type style. Up until now, I haven't found an online aggregator that fits my style like Bloglines.

That all changed yesterday, when I discovered that NewsGator has a free online version of their aggregator that behaves almost exactly as Bloglines does, except it actually looks sexy (ie; no frames). It imported the OPML file generated by Bloglines in a couple of seconds, and to my surprise functions almost exactly the same. I now have both form and function. Yay for me.

Here Be Dragons. Slay Them.

Intranets (The Bane of Corporate IT)