The first language I really learned to program in was Java. The first language I actually delivered a product with was C#. It wasn't hard to move from one to the other, as in most aspects the language was exactly the same. There are some significant differences, though. The most striking difference in my mind is how the C# language has received so many nice little features that just make the code cleaner. You could write Java code in C# if you wanted to, but that would just be plain silly. Here's a sample of what I'm talking about:
Java and C# both utilize a finally concept that lets the programmer clean up resources. However, C# takes this a step further with the using statement. Here's the Java way...
Timer timer;
timer = new Timer();
} finally {
...And now the C# way...
using(new Timer.start()){
The using statement will implicitly call the Timer's Dispose method once the block goes out of scope. The compiler actually generates the same code as the try/finally block, so it's all just syntactic sugar. But sugar is so sweet.
Next up, we have the new generic Collections namespace in C#. On my current project (Java), we implemented a class called the Finder, which takes a collection and a specification. It uses the specification object(s) to filter the collection like so:
public List getProductsForSale(){
return new Finder(getProducts(),
new ProductsOnSaleSpecification()).find();
public class ProductsOnSaleSpecification(){
public bool isSatisfiedBy(Object obj){
Product p = (Product)obj;
return p.isOnSale();
The Finder abstracts out the looping, while the ProductsOnSaleSpecification tells the Finder which products we're interested in. It's pretty sweet, that is until I realized that this is actually built in to C#'s generic collection classes (the following is pseudo-code... Use of generics is implied, but I'm too lazy to html-encode the angle brackets):
public List getProductsForSale(){
return Products.FindAll(IsProductOnSale);
private boolean IsProductOnSale(Product p){
return p.IsOnSale;
It's worth noting that the C# collection classes have more than just the FindAll concept... You can also call Exists, Find(one), ConvertAll, FindIndex, FindLast, ForEach, Remove, RemoveAll and TrueForAll in much the same way. You can also pass in an anonymous block of code, which is based on .NET's support of delegates. I've written about this in more detail before.
A basic language feature that exists in C# is the notion of a Property, which allows you to present the internal state of an object in a cleaner form than the Java standard of using getters and setters. Again, this is just syntactic sugar, but it's nice to be able to visually tell whether you're operating directly on an object's state. Here's the Java code and it's C# equivalent.
public class Dude(){
private int age;
public int getAge(){
return age;
public void setAge(int age){
this.age = age;
public class Dude(){
private int age;
public int Age{
get{ return age; }
set{ age = value; }
My next C# feature isn't really a feature, and it's perhaps the most contentious of my points. The feature is the lack of checked exceptions in C#. My current project has very few points in the code where we actually handle exceptions (the Facades, and various points in the UI, but almost nowhere in the Domain). Yet we're consistently forced by the Java compiler to stick throws ValidationException on almost all of our methods. It quickly just becomes unwanted noise in the code base.
That's about it for my little comparison. I still have a few more points I could make, specifically around delegates and events in C#, and how stupid it is that the Java foreach statement equivalent only operates on generic lists without needing a cast, but I'll save those for another post.